Let me get this straight. 20 million voters just disappeared. I will never believe it wasn't a rigged election in 20. If it wasn't a coup ,I guess throwing Biden out wasn't. I am also sure that places like Arizona still didn't have the fix in. People need to go to jail that is the only way this stops or slowed down.

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No. Turn out looks to be around 2.5 million fewer voters than 2020. Chicago represents about 417,000 of that. Arizona - Trump won this year. Biden withdrew because he was forced and THAT is the greatest uncovered scandal in US history.

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Interestingly, BBC only shows 148.3M votes not 154M votes. Here’s recent history. 2008:129.4M votes. 2012: 126.8M votes (-2.6M); 2016:128.8M votes (+2.0M); 2020: 155.5M votes (+26.7M); 2024: 148.3M votes (-7.2M). From 1976 thru 2016 the percentage of voting age population voting was 53% (low 49%, high 57.1%). But in 2020 we had 62.8% of the voting age population voting. If you look at the voter eligible population (VEP) there is a similar anomaly. There is no data on 1976. From 1980 thru 2016 the %VEP voting was 54.6% (high 61.6%, low 51.7%) But in 2020 65.8% of the VEP voted. In 2024, using BBC vote totals 60.6% of the VEP voted — in line with normal experience. Clearly there is something odd about 2020. And from other sources, there was something very odd about 2020 in various other ways that clearly indicated fraud, specifically ballot box stuffing.

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BBC is using the current totals. It will end up around 156MM or 2.5 MM less than 2020 - which, as my post shows, is not an unusual amount of drop off for Democratic re-elects.

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